
Saturday, September 28, 2013

High Mifi usage when using virtual machines

A co-worker got me curious about this topic when our group began noticing unusually high bandwidth usage on everyones MiFi devices.  Since these connections are metered we began noticing rather quickly that something was consuming massive amounts of data causing the bill at the end of the month to be unbearable.  Of course we blamed each other for too much Youtube or other such things but as we looked into it, the common thread was that we all used some form of Virtual Machine.

It all started with this post:

Constant NetBIOS Name Service query/refresh for Windows 7 VM

After looking at this thread I did ask around and just about everyone in our group had some form of virtual machine running in the background OR had the app open with their virtual machines paused.

I ran my own tests and discovered that if I went to:
and ran:
sudo ./vmnet-sniffer -e vmnet4

vmnet4 is the internal network that I am using for all my virtual machines in order for them to talk to one another.  This network was a private network with no connectivity to the internet so I never even considered it a culprit to the increase in bandwidth consumed on my MiFi device.

As it turns out.  Up until VMware Fusion 6, even having all your virtual machines paused, there was still unusually high levels of chatter going out through my MiFi device.

The problem seems to have gone away with Fusion 6 (when the VMs are off) but when the virtual machines are on the issue is still there.


If you have no need for WINS, or NETBIOS over TCP/IP..... Turn it OFF.
Unless you are testing some application that still uses it all it is doing is causing constant chatter on the network.  Which, if your main connection to the internet happens to be your cell phone or a MiFi device.....  Get ready for a big bill.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013


Im qctually going to start using this...  as an oldschool email admin inlike just about every feature.  Now to get it to work ilas an addon to mac mail...
This Week's Top Downloads -

Apple TV 6 pulled?

Worked fine on the one I travel with ao imagine my surprise when I cant get rhe one at home to update..  at least now I know why now

Apple TV 6.0 quietly pulled following bricked updates, connectivity issues -

Sunday, September 22, 2013

FIPS error in .Net

This link came in handy when I ran into a domain that had FIPS turned on by default via GPO.  It doesn't matter if it is not a sharepoint app.  If you are using any .Net app in an environment like this, you may get the errors described in the link below.

The key is to edit the machine.config file (probably found in C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\CONFIG)
and make sure there is a section like this.  *I had to add this section*
        <enforceFIPSPolicy enabled="false"/>

Props to the poster of the link below

Also found this information helpfull

I found that even if the global registry key was not set, if you are getting an error like this:

This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms. 

Then just try adding that section above to the machine file.  I don't remember if a reboot was necessary but like all things Microsoft, it couldn't hurt...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Quick office = more google drive space

Download, install, register with tour gmail for extra 10gig gdrive space...  even if you think you wont use it, we can all use more cloud storage...

Maybe it was because the NSA didnt get enough detail?

Apple releases iOS 7.0.1 update to fix fingerprint scanner -

Does it break PlexConnect?

Apple TV Just Got Support For iTunes Radio and More -

Now this is phunny.

This Week's Top Comedy Video: Everything Is Samuel L. Jackson's Fault -

Always act like your being recorded

You are anyway...

Act Like You're Being Recorded When in the Heat of an Argument -

Did they say fingerprint scanner

Oh helz no.

iPhone 5s review -

Friday, September 20, 2013

An iPhone lovers confession

Thanks +Frans de Wet  for sharing this.  Definitely worthy of a read. 

New NeatReceipt Gadget

Neat Connect

I have recently become a big fan of the NeatReceipt products.  It makes my expense reports look better and less time consuming.  <It still doesnt translate from Japanese to English> but oh well.

Saw this on a friend's post and had to share it here.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Google Now request....Driving Mode.

I keep having to go back to the Galaxy S-Voice when I drive because of the driving mode.  The only problem with that is that I use mostly Google products for everything and S-Voice wants me to use the Samsung products.

If Google Now had a driving mode that would, maybe, fix things and I could completely quit using S-Voice all together....

Samsung Galaxy S4 location based alarms

So, if you're a road warrior like me you probably have different alarm wake up times when you are on the road than when you are at home. And I can tell you from personal experience that if you leave your work alarm enabled when you are at home, and it just happens to be at 4 a.m.,  you will probably upset somebody in your house. I just recently became aware of location based alarms within the Samsung Galaxy s4. Now I can have my work wake up calls be different from my home wake up call. Here are some pictures to help you out.

Oh, and my favorite part...  The voice snooze/stop so you can basically yell at your alarm to tell it to snooze or stop.

Off for another week of phun!

Another trip..  hurray. ..  #sarcasam #thehat

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Grandsons are here!

Dinner with the grandsons.

And now for something completely different.

Along with completely changing the website.  Which I have to say, had been kind of left alone for a loooong time.  I got started hooking it up to all the Googly things and FB and such but then I realized I had been paying godaddy $5 a month for a loooooong time to host my blog.  (Long ago I switched all the email to google)...  So I took the plunge and moved it all over to 'free' offerings.  Strange things are afoot at Google.  Strange, yes....  But good.  Merging of this, merging of that.  So I moved everything over to see where it takes me.  Now, do me a favor, leave a comment and let me know that this thing is still working. :D
Oh and is it supposed to be Labels of Google+ or just #Google+ or what?  Does that mean I'm getting too old?  Wait, don't answer that.

And, shameless kitty photo.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Good Lord what have I done

Well I have moved Intrasection completly over to the Google world.  No more wordpress...  Now I have to deal with the fact that there are two Google+ identities for me.  If it is confusing to you, just think how I feel.  Just know the gmail account will always have "The Hat" and the intrasection one will not...

Maybe there is a way to merge two Google+ accounts.... hmmm......

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Kudo's to the Plex Community on Google+

+Ian Rawlings answered my question in the Plex Community regarding syncing offline videos using Plex and having them show up in my Google+ Auto-Backup.

Part of the reason I love Google+ is the Communities option.  Specifically the Plex Community.

Auto-Upload and Plex

Here is his answer that fixed the problem:


However which directory, having a poke around with root explorer seems to indicate the video files for Plex are stored in /data/data/com.plexapp.plex/app_sync/sync on my nexus 4 and there are no .nomedia files there but if your videos are synced to an SD card then maybe there might be a need for a .nomedia file there


Turns out he was correct.

I created a .nomedia file on my SD card in the folder I manually chose to use to sync my offline videos to and I no longer have the entire series of Archer and Dr. Who in my Google+ Auto-Backup folder.

Thanks +Ian Rawlings

On my mac I had to open terminal and run the following two commands.

computername:~ myname$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool YES

computername:~ myname$ killall Finder

then make a .nomedia file

computername: ~myname$touch .nomedia

Connect my Droid to the Mac (You have to have the Android File Transfer Application to make this work).

Connected to the SD card, made a directory called Plex and transferred the .nomedia file to it.

then went back to terminal and ran:

computername:~ myname$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool NO

computername:~ myname$ killall Finder

Opened Plex on the Droid, told it to manually synchronize to my location and then, as they say, Bob's your Uncle.  Everything works like it should.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

The hat and the helicopter

New feiends.


Well, it has been a while since I checked my old blog.  What with FaceBook and Google+ and all....  But after the upgrade we shall see what happens.  It seems some people still find some of my old articles interesting so I will keep this thing going for now.