
Sunday, April 3, 2005

Sansun Silencer LED Lighted Keyboard that flashes when your cellphone rings

Hey, this looks cool.  I used to have a roll-up keyboard but this looks even cooler.

Sansun Silencer LED Lighted Keyboard

It’s been a mighty long time since we’ve found an illuminated keyboard worth writing about, but ap0calypse has a review of the Sansun Silencer LED Lighted Keyboard, which besides making it easier to tap away in a darkened room, also lights up when your cellphone starts ringing (sounds similar to those FlashStickers we mentioned a few months ago and that Mobile Sensor Pen we wrote about a year ago). The cellphone has to be within 16 inches of the keyboard’s GSM signal sensor, but ap0calypse found that it definitely does work, with the lights on the keyboard’s number pad flashing on and off about a second before the phone started ringing.

[Via I4U]


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