
Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Egg and Muffin Toaster Warms Your Meat

Wow, for gadgets this is kinda neat!  I would love to have one of these for home-made egg McMuffins… 

egg_muffin_toaster-1.jpgThe boys at DoubleViking sent this out to me. I mean for a site dedicated to naked 'tang and stupid nerd tricks, you can see where their interests really lie: in the search for the ultimate poached egg.

The Egg and Muffin Toaster is the apogee of egg and muffin evolution. This delicious sandwich creation station toasts your muffins and poaches, hard boils, or fries your eggs in seconds, allowing me to wrap your cracked, broken lips around a fatty every morning before that Price Is Right marathon. Mmm...

Available soon for $49.99, it even comes with a little screen to "warm your pre-cooked meat." ROAR!

Egg & Muffin Toaster []

1 comment:

  1. What Mark wants for Christmas!!!

    Well, as anybody who knows me knows (how's that for a convoluted sentence?), I love my breakfasts.

    This comes courtesy of Phil's NewsPhlash (

    So, imagine my d...
